sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2010

Verbs - The present tense

In this lesson we are going to learn about verbs, the present tense  particularly. A typical practice is to  memorize the four forms of each verb (Singular: Masculine and Feminine; Plural Masculine Feminine).

The present tense verb ordinarily requires a personal pronoun (or a noun).
The meaning of the Hebrew present tense basically covers the two English tenses ‘I get up’ and ‘I am getting up’ (including the meaning ‘I am due to get up’).

Like in French, Spanish, Portuguese and many other languages, the verb changes according to the subject. The  patterns most verbs follow in the present tense will be demonstrated in the  following examples.

(to investigate, examine; research; enquire) la7qor - לחקור

  7oqer - אני/אתה/הוּא חוקר
  7oqeret -  חוקרת (f) אני/את/היא

  7oqrim - אנחנוּ/אתם/הם חוקרים
 7oqrot - חוקרות (f) אנחנוּ/אתן/הן

( to write ) likhtov - לכתוב

 kotev - אני/אתה/הוּא כותב
kotevet - אני/את/היא כותבת
   kotvim - אנחנוּ/אתם/הם כותבים
kotvot - אנחנוּ/אתן/הן כותבות

Other verbs that follow the same pattern:
 to ask (lish'ol) לשאול

 to love (le'ehov) לאהוב
 to dance (lirqod) לרקוד
 to learn, study (lilmod) ללמוד
to work (la3avod) לעבוד

to eat (le'ekhol) לאכול
 to drive; lead (linhog) לנהוג
 to dream (la7alom) לחלום
  to think (la7shov) לחשוב
to guard (lishmor) לשמור
   to come back, return; revert; repeat; regret (la7zor) לחזור

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