- My, Mine - שלי (sheli)
- Your, Yours [singular]
(m) שלך (shelkha)
(f) שלך (shelakh)
- His - שלו (shelo)
- Her, Hers - שלה (shela)
- Our, Ours - שלנו (shelanu)
- Your, Yours [plural]
(m) שלכם (shelakhem)
(f) שלכן (shelakhen)
- Their, Theirs
(m) שלהם (shelahem)
(f) שלהן (shelahen)
Possessive pronouns come after the noun (which also comes with the definitive article). The result will be הספר שלי - which literally translates "the book my/mine".
My father - אבא שלי (aba sheli) or Avi [aba + sheli] Possessive Pronouns
my book - הספר שלי (hasefer sheli)
It's theirs - זה שלהם (ze shelahem)
The equivalent of the English verb "To have" is expressed by using the word "yesh"(there is/are). The pattern is demonstrated in the following examples by changing the appropriate possessive pronoun:
1) Positive Statement
yesh li (“There is to me” or, in proper English grammar, “I have”) - יש לי
yesh lekha (you[m]) - יש לך
yesh lakh (you[f]) - יש לך
yesh lanu (we) - יש לנו
yesh lakhem (you[plural m])- יש לכם
yesh lakhen (you pl [f]) - יש לכן
yesh lahem (they [m]) - יש להם
yesh lahen (they[f]) - יש להן
2) Negative statement
by changing "Yesh" for "Eyn" + appropriate possessive pronoun.
ex: Eyn li - אין לי (“I don't have”)
I have a house [yesh li bayit] - יש לי בית
I have no money (lit. silver) [eyn li kesef] - אין לי כסף
There is no time [eyn zman] - אין זמן
There is no time [eyn zman] - אין זמן
מה יש בדירה של דויד؟
What is in David's apartament?/What does his apartment have? [ma yesh badira shel david?]
יש שם שלושה חדרים גדולים, אבל אין מרפסת. יש גם שני סטודנטים אמריקאים
There are three large rooms, but no balcony. There are also two American students. [yesh sham shlosha 7adarim gdolim, aval eyn mirpeset. yesh gam shney studentim ameriqayim.]
יש שם שלושה חדרים גדולים, אבל אין מרפסת. יש גם שני סטודנטים אמריקאים
There are three large rooms, but no balcony. There are also two American students. [yesh sham shlosha 7adarim gdolim, aval eyn mirpeset. yesh gam shney studentim ameriqayim.]
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