שלום עליכם - Peace be upon you (in proper Hebrew the accent should fall on the last sillable of the word 3aleykhem). The answer to that is עליכם השלום (a3aleykhem hashalom)
שלום - Hi (lit. Peace)
אהלן (ahlan) - Hello (slang borrowed from Arabic).
ברוך הבא (barukh haba) - Welcome! (to greet someone - 'Blessed is he who comes')
בוקר טוב (boqer tov) - Good Morning
צהריים טובים (tsohorayim tovim) - Good Noon
ערב טוב - Good Evening (3erev tov)
לילה טוב (layla tov) - Good Night
You can also start a conversation in Hebrew asking the question 'How is your peace?'.
Asking a man: Ma Shlomkha? מה שלומך
Asking a woman: Ma shlomekh? מה שלומך
You can answer this question with a number of things, such as:
Barukh ha-shem (blessed be the (God's) name)
Ani beseder (beseder means 'in order')
hakol tov (everything is fine)
To ask a man's name: Ekh qor'im lekha? איך קוראים לך
Asking a woman: Ekh qor'im lakh? איך קוראים לך
Answer (the same to men and women): Qor'im li... קוראים לי
Asking a man's name: Ma shimkha?מה שמך
Asking a woman's name: Ma shmekh?מה שמך
answer: Shmi...(my name is...) שמי
אלוהים יברך אותך - (elohim yevarekh otkha) God bless you
בשעה טובה ומוצלחת - (besha3a tovah umutsla7at) In a good and auspicious hour
להתראות (lehitra'ot) - See YouFarewell:
ביי - Bye
צאתך לשלום (tsetkha leshalom)- Go in Peace
יאללה ביי - yalla bye
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